Simple Messanger

simple chat application implemented in Python using a server-client architecture with groups and channels

This is a simple chat application implemented in Python using a server-client architecture. The app allows users to create groups, join groups, leave groups, create channels, join channels, leave channels, and send messages to groups and channels.


  • Server-Client Architecture: The app is built using a client-server model where multiple clients can connect to a central server.
  • End-to-End Encryption: Messages sent between clients and the server are encrypted using base64.
  • Timestamps: Each message is timestamped to indicate when it was sent.
  • Group Management: Users can create groups, join groups, and leave groups. Messages can be sent to specific groups.
  • Channel Management: Users can create channels, join channels, and leave channels. Messages can be sent to specific channels.
  • Simple Command Line Interface (CLI): The app features a simple CLI for user interaction.
  • Usage of Sockets: Sockets are used for communication between clients and the server.




  1. Run on your server machine.
  2. Run on different client machines or multiple times on the same machine.
  3. Enter a username for each client.
  4. Use commands to create groups, join groups, leave groups, create channels, join channels, leave channels, and send messages to groups and channels.

Group Commands

  • /groupcreate group_name: Creates a new group.
  • /groupjoin group_name: Joins an existing group.
  • /groupleave group_name: Leaves a group.

Channel Commands

  • /channelcreate channel_name: Creates a new channel.
  • /channeljoin channel_name: Joins an existing channel.
  • /channelleave channel_name: Leaves a channel.

Sending Messages

  • To send a message to a group: /group group_name message
  • To send a message to a channel: /channel channel_name message


  • Python 3.x


This chat application is a simplified example intended for educational purposes. It may not be suitable for use in production environments. Use at your own risk.